Senior Cricket

We field two Saturday league teams in the Oxfordshire Cricket Association, with our 1st XI finishing 3rd in Division 2 for the last couple of years and reaching the semi-final of the Airey Cup, Oxfordshire's most historic and prestigious cup in 2018.

Our 2nd XI won their division in 2018 and finished comfortably last year.

We also enter a T20 XI in the South Oxfordshire Friendly Cricket League, playing on Wednesday evenings.

We are a fun but competitive bunch and pride ourselves on our friendliness and good sporting spirit. We do get comments form umpires about us sledging too much, but it's always against our own players!

We also have a Womens' Soft Ball Cricket team who train weekly and participate in local festivals around the county.

We have a focus on family and it is great to see family members playing on the field together, and generations of families on the boundary cheering our teams on.

Whatever your age or ability, there is a place for you and we are always looking to welcome new players. If you're interested in finding out more please email